HUB915 尖沙咀 位於尖東商業區,交通方便。商業配套、傢俬設備齊全。每日專人辦公室清潔,提供郵寄地址及郵箱,茶水休息間,設有 6 至 8 人用會議室。 如有查詢, 請Tel: 2762 4722 or 6114 6897 Miss Sharon Chan
H物業地產 / 辦公室出租HUB915 Tsim Sha Tsui

Receivables invoice financing platform for immediate funding to SMEs

Wanchai Beverly House Office unit to lease (Exclusive of Monthly Air conditioning, management fee and government rate)

全新課程管理系統 (Course Management System Web-based版本) 課程管理系統,適合各類大小補習中心、學前班、興趣班、鋼琴學習班、舞蹈學習班等等。
教學進修 / 補習SilverFok

ASSEX GLOBAL, combined with the logistics management specialty to provide comprehensive logistics service and value-added logistics service

 Cityray founded in 1987, is an IT company which specialized in development of human resources management system. In the past twenty years, Cityray committed in developing and researching different se

各類大學功課、essay、homework、assignment、畢業論文修改和指導 由內容結構到參考資料,保證原創,絕不抄襲,turn-it-in 絕對無問題
H商業 / 教學進修Homeworkhelper

Upgrade your knowledge with the Skopoz PMP® Training in Kuala Lumpur. PMP® course is universally perceived proficient training offered by the Project Management Institute

GSL Technology International Limited specialized in the Document Imaging industry
G商業 / 印刷GSL Technology Ltd

Singapore's Leading Provider of Business Software

SBS School Management Software is an advanced solution offering high scalability abundance of features to streamline the daily activities of the educational institutes. It is a Simple, Easy-to-use

Free site measurement and quotation, contemporary design and professional project management ( 免費度呎及報價。設計時倘及專業工程管理 )


GREENSCREEN Facade System, Vertical Green Walls, Project Management, Fitting Out, Sustainable Installations 室內裝飾、翻新、專業綠化及可持續能源系統的安裝及特殊建築項目 - 工程策劃及技術支援的專業團隊
Y商業 / 建築及建造Your professional partner

Available position in Hospitality Industry are: Marketing, Bar& Waiter Catering and Conference Services, Hospitality Management, Receptionist, Activity staff, Resort Rep, Food Service Assistant etc...

The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels, Limited is the holding company of a group which is engaged in the ownership, development and management of hotels, commercial properties and clubs and services. 
c商業 / 顧問citymacau

包水電及清理房間,全新裝潢,24小時專人管理,電腦電器齊。Brand new hotel decoration and 24 hours service management. Computers, electrical appliances and personal care items are supplied. Room clean up service o

Requirements: Strong communication skills Relevant experience in marketing job would be an advantage Well-organized and good team player Responsible, mature, positive-attitude and hard-working
商業 / 金融投資及保險慧美公司

樹群風險評估, 詳細獨立樹木風險評估Tree Risk Assessment, 樹木移除申請及補償種植計劃書, 定期樹木檢查, 樹木普查Tree Survey, 惡劣天氣後樹木檢查, 樹木投訴處理, 樹木意外報告, 樹木護養計劃, 樹木管理Tree Management, 修剪樹木, 移除樹木, 樹木鞏固, 滅蟲除草, 園藝服務, 樹木工程監督及完工報告
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